Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bump: 34 Weeks!

This belly is getting big and will only get bigger, since apparently baby is done developing and will just continue to fatten up!  I haven't had any stretch marks pop up at this point, but I have a feeling if they're going to happen, its going to be in the next five weeks. 

I'll just keep slathering my belly with the best lotion ever* and pray that my skin can stretch just a little more! is my big ol' belly on Molly's wedding day : )

34 weeks + 3 days

And here are a couple other cutesy pictures that Erica took while we were waiting in the park for the ceremony to start :)

Kind of cliche, but I had to!

I think this will now and always be one of my favorite pregnancy pictures.
Happy Wednesday, my friends!


* A word about the lotion: If you are my friend and you get pregnant anytime in the near future, expect this lotion as a gift from me to you.  Its pretty miraculous, I think.  I haven't gotten one stretch mark on this bells yet and trust me, I'm prone to stretch marks.  I'm almost out of my first tub so just reordered...can't be without it!  Recommend it to all of your pregnant friends.  They'll love you for it.

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