Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Homeward Bound!

Anyone who knows me, knows what I LOVE going home (home-home, that is).  It usually happens about once a month.  I know.  A little excessive for a grown, married woman who lives five hours away, but I like my parents...what can I say!  There's something completely comforting about my old room, my parents kitchen, their backyard and just being in their company.  Sigh.

my parents backyard - summer 2010

Tonight, Brad and I are heading home for Thanksgiving and I am especially excited about this trip because not only do we get to tell both sets of our parents that they're going to be grandparents for the first time, but we get to tell our Grandparents that they're going to be Great-Grandparents for the first time too.  The butterflies have been swirling around in my belly for days and weeks - I'm so excited!

More details on their reaction and how we spill the beans to come!

In the meantime, I think the naseau is starting to set in (ugh).  Its not full fledged, but I definitely don't feel 100% today.  I think I'm learning that as long as I eat something bland and filling every three hours, I'm ok.  Hopefully I don't have to miss out on a delicious Thanksgiving meal on Thursday.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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