Friday, January 7, 2011

Squirrel or Baby?

As some of my friends/acquaintances started getting pregnant and posting their ultrasound pictures on Facebook, I vowed that I wouldn't ever do that.  Not sure why, exactly, but maybe because it seems like something too personal to post for the world to see. 

Why are you posting it here, you might ask?  Well, you all are my closest friends and family, so I'm glad to share : )

{Please note that this is a really bad picture of a picture that I took with my iPhone in really poor lighting.}

It still kind of looks like a blob, but if you stand upside down, squint really hard, turn you head ninety degrees you might be able to make out that there is, in fact, a baby in there : ) Its only a little over 2 inches from head to rump (55mm) teeny tiny!

Our first ultrasound was yesterday morning.  Brad was late and almost missed the whole appointment,  but luckily he got to sneak it right at the end.  It was so amazing actually seeing a baby in my belly!  The ultrasound technician was trying to get a good measurement of it, but the baby was kind of laying on its side which apparently doesn't make for a very accurate measurement.  So, she had to tilt me upside down a tad and then poked and jiggled my abdomen until the baby started to move and cooperate.  What an exciting moment to see it actually squirm around! 

It definitely feels even more real now! 


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