Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bump: 17 Weeks

I can't believe I'm almost at the halfway point!  Sometimes I still can't believe that we're really having a baby - ha!  Hopefully it will sink in in a couple weeks when we find out...BOY or GIRL! 

I really can't wait! 

Brad and I were at REI yesterday and they're having a really big clearance sale.  So, of course, I head up to the baby/child department to look at all the mini gear: mini puffy coats, mini fleece vests, mini SmartWools...oh my!  I think its a good thing that you have to wait until 20-ish weeks to find out the sex, otherwise you'd have WAY too long to shop for this little bambino!

Here are this week's belly pictures, taken by my in-house photographer : )

And for a little side by side comparison:

Why does the 16 week belly look bigger than the 17 week?  Hmm!?

Happy Sunday to everyone!  I hope you are snuggled and warm inside your home-sweet-home : )



  1. what did you snack on before the week 16 picture? ;)

  2. Actually, we came from the mall and had just eaten. Maybe that's why! ha!
